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Student Achievements/Stories
LOH Chiao Yi: Embarking my Path to Sustainability – A New Trend that Inspires Changes in Our Life

LOH Chiao Yi (Graduate)

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies


LOH Chiao Yi: Embarking my Path to Sustainability – A New Trend that Inspires Changes in Our Life


#EdUHKRisingStar #sustainability #GlobalandEnvironmentalStudies

Loh Chiao-yi recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Global and Environmental Studies. With a deep passion for the environment, she found the programme to be greatly fulfilling. Chiao-yi is grateful to hashtag#EdUHK and her department for their support throughout her studies.

The programme incorporates global case studies on climate change, policy, economics and urban sustainability. While sustainability addresses complex issues, learning perspectives from diverse places and sectors worldwide has helped Chiao-yi comprehend goals and challenges.

Internships and overseas exchanges provided invaluable experiences that enhanced Chiao-yi's learning and interpersonal skills. Applying her education in real-world settings gave her a broader understanding, preparing her to promote environmental protection. Immersing herself in new cultures and environments inspired Chiao-yi's dedication to enacting positive change.


Student Affairs Office (SAO) in coordination with the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS)